NiX Group is working to become a company that is needed for a sustainable society.
By utilizing renewable energy sources generated in-house, we aim to achieve 100% utilization of renewable energy throughout the Group by 2030.
Development of renewable energy business
Utilization of in-house generated power sources
Certification of environmental value from renewable energy
Total output:2,461kW Total CO2 emissions reduction:3,400t-CO2
NiX Group has set a goal of 100% renewable energy use for the entire group’s electricity consumption by 2030 and has participated in the “RE Action – Declaring 100% Renewable.”
The “RE Action – Declaring 100% Renewable” is a new framework to promote the use of 100% renewable energy by companies, municipalities, educational institutions, medical institutions, and other organizations that demonstrate their intention and actions to convert 100% of the electricity they use to renewable energy.
NiX Group is developing renewable energy businesses such as hydro power and solar power generation in Japan and overseas and will continue to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by strengthening the development of renewable energy businesses. By using power generated by its own power sources, NiX Group aims to achieve 100% renewable energy use by 2030 and is committed to becoming a company that plays a key role in a sustainable society.
NiX Group will also continue to strive to contribute to the goals of the SDGs through its various businesses and initiatives.
For more information on the “RE Action – Declaring 100% Renewable,” please visit the following link.
The Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) was established and is being implemented to quantitatively evaluate Japan’s contribution to the reduction and absorption of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the diffusion and implementation of excellent low-carbon technologies, products, systems, services, or infrastructure in developing countries to utilize the results to achieve Japan’s reduction targets. JCM allows Japanese companies to implement projects in cooperation with local companies in partner countries, etc., and to obtain “credits” for the amount of CO2 and other GHG emission reductions reduced or absorbed in the projects, which can then be used to achieve Japan’s GHG reduction targets. The credits obtained through the JCM scheme can be used for carbon offsetting and can be transferred and traded through the transfer of credits. Currently, Japan, together with 17 other countries, is implementing JCM to combat climate change. This scheme promotes the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the establishment of carbon neutrality, while also contributing to sustainable development in partner countries.
Tongar hydro power project developed in Indonesia was selected by the Ministry of Environment as a “6MW Mini Hydro Power Plant Project in West Pasaman, West Sumatra ” in the “Subsidy Scheme under the FY 2020 Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Financing Programme” (*1), and we promoted the project as the Representative Participant. The project is expected to reduce GHG emissions by 18,319 tCO2/year, contributing to the realization of a carbon-neutral society. This project is being implemented in cooperation with the Indonesian and Japanese governments. The GHG reductions calculated from the implementation of this project will be issued as credits, which can be used to help Japan and its partner country, Indonesia, achieve their GHG reduction targets.
(*1) Subsidy Scheme: This project aims to reduce GHG emissions in developing countries, etc. by utilizing superior decarbonization technologies and other means and to conduct measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV). The objective is to reduce GHG emissions in developing countries, etc., and to contribute to the achievement of GHG emission reduction targets in Japan and partner countries through JCM. The subsidy is up to one-half of the initial investment costs for excellent decarbonization technologies, etc.
As a business operator, this not only improves the profitability of the project but also has significant implications for the SDGs and ESG guidelines as a company. We have been promoting renewable energy business in Japan and overseas with the aim of solving social issues such as decarbonization and alleviating electricity shortages, and we will continue to fulfill our social responsibility further by expanding our business both in Japan and overseas. We will also strive to increase the amount of renewable energy in Indonesia and contribute to achieving a realistic energy transition in the country.