In response to declining population, an aging society with fewer children, global warming, and diversification of people’s values, there is a need for plans to make communities and living spaces safe and comfortable and to revitalize the economies of communities and cities. To create cities and communities that resonate with citizens, we propose plans that suit specific local circumstances, focusing on urban and community planning, transportation planning, facility improvement planning, and disaster prevention planning/environmental planning.
We study community development plans to form livable, attractive, and vibrant cities. Through analysis using GIS and other tools, we propose plans from a community perspective, taking advantage of the characteristics of the town while building consensus with the local people through workshops and other means.
Various social problems have emerged, such as traffic congestion caused by high dependence on automobiles and the decline of public transportation systems such as railroads and buses. To solve these traffic problems, we conduct various traffic surveys and identify issues surrounding the traffic environment while proposing concepts and plans aimed at smoothing traffic (smart traffic) and creating a safe and comfortable pedestrian-oriented traffic environment.
In addition to organizing the roles and functions required of facilities based on the community development concept and vision, which will serve as the upper-level plan, we propose a facility development plan while carefully identifying and reflecting the needs of facility users through questionnaires, workshops, and other means. Further, we propose planning work with an eye to how government grants can be applied to assist in the development of facilities.
Natural disasters and large-scale accidental disasters can occur anytime and anywhere. Drawing on the disaster lessons we have experienced, we support the creation of local disaster prevention plans that are tailored to local conditions, with the aim of building a resilient city that is prepared for all possibilities of disasters. Further, to address global environmental issues, we make proposals that contribute to the creation of a low-carbon society, a recycling-oriented society, and a society in harmony with nature while taking into consideration a virtuous cycle between the community, economy, and environment.
This service optimizes public transportation operations through big data analysis and improves convenience by providing operation locations based on location information.