
BIMCIM initiatives


We are actively introducing BIM/CIM simulations and virtual experiences, which are fueling a productivity revolution, as well as working on 4D to “visualize” the progress of construction in an easy-to-understand manner.

  • Main Business

Bridge seismic reinforcement design

In the seismic reinforcement execution design work for control bridges, we prepared construction process drawings to visualize in advance problems that may occur during construction. We also created 4D models of construction steps for the entire detour route to communicate construction procedures and gain a sense of the scale of the detour route. [Awarded the Excellent Work Award and Excellent Engineer Award, 2022 Tone River Downstream General Management Office, Japan Water Agency]

Bridge seismic reinforcement design

Gutter pipe unpowered structure model

In detailed design work for the reconstruction of unpowered gutter pipes, we created a 3D model of gutter pipe improvements. [Awarded the Kanto Regional Development Bureau Chief’s Award, Excellent Work and Excellent Engineer Award, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]

Gutter pipe unpowered structure model

3D model of NiX Urban Skate Park (in-house business)

During the design of NiX Urban Skate Park, we created 3D models and renderings to communicate the concept of the finished product. During meetings with stakeholders, each opinion was reflected in real time based on the conceptual finished product and was used to build consensus on the layout plan.

3D model of NiX Urban Skate Park (in-house business)

VR driving simulation

In the detailed design of traffic safety measures, we created a VR driving simulation to verify the effects from the driver’s perspective before and after taking the intersection countermeasures.

VR driving simulation

Detailed design of joint cable ditch

To ascertain the locations of hidden buried structures in a three-dimensional view, we modeled the construction status (earth retaining structure) and created a 4D model that takes into account detailed construction conditions to facilitate discussions among stakeholders.

Detailed design of joint cable ditch